About Us

We aim to develop a scalable and replicable model for an independent and completely sustainable power producing community using renewable energy technologies. Liting Power is currently embarking on the assessment phase (Jan-July 2012) where two Villanova engineering graduates will work in the Philippines to build community engagement and draft designs for the upcoming construction phase.

Liting Power aims to empower small rural villages in the province of Ifugao, Philippines with the tools to raise themselves out of poverty, by working with the community to implement clean energy systems that will light their path to an improved standard of living and a better way of life.

>  To aid communities who are struggling to develop by providing necessary resources to create sustainable solutions to poverty alleviation that respect and encourage indigenous culture and knowledge preservation during the development process.

>  The community will put it an equal amount of effort as the Liting Power staff to move the project and the initiatives forward. We are just providing the community with the confidence, drive, and missing resources they need to help themselves. 

>  By the time we leave a community, the system should be completely locally maintained and operated. The community will have everything they need to not only sustain the energy system, but to expand the entrepreneurial activity within the village.


We will not stop at just installing systems that generate electricity. All necessary steps will be taken before leaving the community to ensure that the system will last and continue to generate electricity as long as the community needs it.

Liting Power aims to treat communities as equal partners as opposed to recipients of charity. We believe that in this manor we will empower the community in giving them the responsibility for their own development. This responsibility also ensures sustainability of the system once our team leaves the ground.

Liting Power seeks to ensure that the community is equipped with the right tools to develop to their full potential, with organizations and methods to monitor their progress to facilitate growth in the direction that they want to go in and at the pace that they would like to travel.